When it comes to the Law of Attraction, there’s one key mistake people make. And that mistake is thinking they can sit back and wait for their desires to manifest.
But, let’s be real here… You simply cannot attract more money if you aren’t taking steps to get it.
You still need to take inspired action in order to attract everything you ever wanted into your life. You will still need to do some work to remove any blocks that prevent you from manifesting the things you want.
So, what can you do to boost your abundance? There are five high-vibe tasks I like to do whenever I want to attract more money and increase my cash flow. And you can do them too!
5 High-Vibe Tasks to Attract Money Into Your Life
These are all super easy things that you can incorporate into your daily and weekly routine, so I highly recommend blocking off time in your calendar for them.
1. Clear the Clutter Around Your Home
If you want to manifest something, you need to actually create space for it in your life. For example, if you want to manifest a significant other, making space for that person’s clothes in your closet is a great step to take. It tells the Universe you’re open and ready to receiving a relationship.
The same goes for money. If you don’t make room for it, there’s no way it can show up.
Take a moment and look around your home. There’s a good chance you’ll see some clutter. After all, we get messy sometimes! But if you knew that clutter wasn’t allowing you to attract more money, you’d rush to tidy it up. When you begin to clear the crap by organizing and getting rid of what you no longer need, you’ll create energetic space for more money to flow into your life.
2. Give Your Money a Purpose
Money is energy. And the thing about energy is that you need to tell it where to go, kinda like a GPS. If you don’t give your money any sense of direction, it’s going to flow past you, onto someone else.
One really powerful exercise is to plan out how you’d spend the money you desire once it manifests. For example, if you want to attract an extra $1,000 into your bank account, ask yourself what you’d spend that money on.
Grab a piece of paper (or your journal) and write down exactly where every last dollar would go. What the money is being spent on and how much each individual item costs. But there’s a catch! You can’t spend this money on bills or clearing any debts. This is fun money to be spent on whatever brings you happiness.
3. Incorporate a Money Hypnosis Into Your Routine
I love hypnosis for shifting your mindset around any limiting beliefs, particularly money. And while you could work one-on-one with a hypnotherapist, like myself, you can still see results with a pre-recorded hypnosis track.
You can use a hypnosis track daily or whenever you’re feeling like you need a boost. Personally, I love to start my morning with hypnosis because it really sets the tone for how I feel throughout the day.

If you want to give hypnosis a try, I’ve created a free Money Magnet Hypnosis that will help you step into the mindset of feeling truly abundant.
4. Give Back in Any Way You Can
It may seem counterproductive, but one of the best ways to attract money is to give. Sometimes we may feel as though we aren’t able to give because we simply don’t have much to spread around. But you don’t have to donate large sums of money. And you don’t have to give away all of your possessions.
The key is to find various ways (no matter how small) to give back to those in need. You can go through your closet and donate clothes you no longer wear. (If your next-level self wouldn’t wear it, bid it farewell!) Or you can donate small amounts of money or lend your time to an important cause.
When you give, it shows that you have faith in the Universe that you will always be repaid for your kindness. It signals that you know there is plenty to go around and it’s safe to spend, as you will always attract more money.
5. Journal Your Way to Your Financial Goals
I’m very passionate about journaling. So passionate, in fact, that I’ve created two courses about manifesting with your journal entries. That’s why I always recommend using your journaling practice to call in all of your desires. Here’s a simple exercise for you:
Start your journal entry by saying, “I am so happy and grateful now that…” and complete the sentence by stating how much money you’d like to manifest. Then, imagine what life would look like once that money is in your bank account. What would you do with the money? What would your daily life look like?
As you journal, embody the feelings of already having this money. Because when you step into feelings and become an energetic match for what you want, the Universe has no choice but to deliver it.
Want additional high-vibe tasks to attract more money into your life? Take my 30-day challenge!

Reboot Your Money Vibes features 30 days worth of journal prompts and daily activities to help you call in more cash and become an energetic match for the money you desire.
Get the details here.