Are you ready to make 2021 the year that manifesting your goals gets to be easy?
In this podcast episode, I share five steps to help you become an energetic match for what you wish to attract into your life. This way, you can become a manifesting magnet and finally live the life of your dreams.
Listen to the episode above or read on for the recap!
5 Steps for Manifesting Your Goals in 2021
There are five key things you want to make sure you’re doing if you’re ready to start manifesting your goals. You need to state what you want, visualize it happening, journal it out, act as if it’s your reality, and express gratitude. Here’s a breakdown of each of those steps:
1. Clearly State What You Want
Where so many people go wrong with manifesting is that they give too much focus to what they don’t want. You see, the Universe doesn’t process negatives. Thinking thoughts like, “I don’t want to be in debt anymore,” will only keep you in debt because that’s what you’re focused on. Instead, you want to put your attention towards what you do want.
And you want to be very clear about what it is you’re wanting to attract into your life. Because the other important thing to note about the Universe is that it loves specifics.
2. Visualize It Happening
Once you know exactly what you hope to achieve, figure out what you would see, hear, and feel when that goal has become your reality. Visualize the exact moment you realize it’s happened for you. As you do, create a compelling picture in your mind and embody the feeling of it being yours. Your subconscious can’t tell the difference between events you’ve actually experienced and ones you’ve simply imagined.
Let’s say you have a goal to hit $10k months in your business this year. How would you know that you finally reached that goal? And what would you see, hear, and feel in this moment? You may see that money in your bank account or PayPal.
What would you hear, if anything? Maybe you’ll let out an excited cheer! Or perhaps you’d hear yourself calling a loved one to celebrate hitting this financial milestone.
And how would you feel? You might feel happy, proud, and accomplished. Whatever it is, just allow yourself to sit in this visualization for a moment.
3. Journal It Out
One of the most powerful practices for manifesting your goals is journaling. If you’re familiar with a technique called scripting, then you know where I’m going with this. If you’re not, I actually have a course called Journaling in Flow, which breaks down my scripting process.
Essentially, scripting has you write out the things you want to manifest into your life as if you’ve already obtained them. It’s all about helping you get into the energetic vibration of having what you want.
Here’s How You Can Script Your Goals
The first thing I’d encourage you to do is to write, in detail, about that moment you realize you’ve hit your goal. So, everything you just imagined seeing, hearing, and feeling… Write that down in your journal.
Next, fast forward to a point later in this year. It could be December 31st or another time you’d like to have achieved your goal by. The point is, you’ve reached the goal and your life has been transformed as a result.
Start this portion of your journal entry by stating what date it is, then write about what your life looks like. How do you feel now that you’ve achieved that goal? What is your day-to-day life like? You can even write about the money you have in the bank and what you’ve purchased with it so far. Write about the relationships in your life, where you’re living, and so much more. Just allow yourself to be imaginative and immerse yourself in this visualization, recording it all on paper.
4. Begin Acting as if Your Goals Are a Done Deal
When manifesting your goals, you simply cannot forgot about one very important step: taking action.
Once you’re in the energy of having achieved your goals, ask yourself what you did to get there. What did you believe about yourself and your abilities? Were there any personality traits you had to embody? Or any limiting beliefs you had to shed? What action did you take? And did you make any investments (like working with a coach) to make it happen?
Then, you need to start showing up in your life and business with full faith and confidence that everything is going to work out for you. Take action from this place of knowing it’s going to help you reach your goals. Make decisions and investments from this next level version of you so you can begin embodying her now.
5. Express Gratitude
And the final step I want to share in manifesting your goals is to express gratitude. This particular step is two-fold.
You want to express gratitude for the things you have in your life right this very moment. The home you live in, the car you drive, the food in your fridge, clean drinking water, etc. I’d encourage you to choose 10 things you’re grateful for every day and actually write them down. This way, you are really feeling into that gratitude as you put pen to paper.
Next, give thanks for the things you have yet to manifest into your life. Doing this helps you to embody the feeling of having already received them. Plus, it provides a reminder to the Universe that you’re appreciative of all its hard work.