I’ve always been someone who loves to write.
As I was growing up, I kept a journal, which allowed me to incorporate writing into my daily life. Fast forward to now, I still have a journal, but I use it in a different way.
Instead of using my journal to rehash things that happened that day, I use it to write about what I want to happen. Why? Because using journaling for manifestation is a powerful way to help you attract what you want into your life.
How to Use Journaling for Manifestation
So, how do you use a simple journal entry to attract what you desire?
Well, this is done through a technique called scripting. When scripting, you are speaking into existence what you want to manifest. You’re writing about those goals and desires as if they’ve already happened, while allowing yourself to embody the feeling of already those things.
Here’s a brief overview of how this process works:
Clearly State What You Desire
When using journaling for manifestation, you will be writing down everything that you wish to attract into your life. And when you want to manifest, you need to be crystal clear about what you want. Otherwise, you risk getting something that isn’t quite what you hoped for.
Think of it like placing an order at a restaurant. You’re clearly stating what you want to eat for your meal. You aren’t going through the menu and reading off a list of things you don’t want in hopes that your server will narrow it down and magically deliver what you do want. That’s how manifesting is. You always want to focus on what you actually desire.
When you use journaling to state those desires, it’s kind of like a written contract with the Universe. You write out exactly what you want. And then, it’s your job to take inspired action toward obtaining that thing. When the time is right, the Universe will deliver it to you in the best way possible.
Work Through the Blocks Holding You Back
Have you ever tried to manifest something, but for some reason it just never shows up in your life? Yeah, I think we’ve all been there before. And the reason for this is probably because something (like a limiting belief) is blocking you from receiving it.
It’s important that you break through those blocks if you want to attract the things you desire. So, you have to be able to put any limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears behind you. It’s arguably one of the most important aspects of journaling for manifestation.
Journaling allows you to get all of your thoughts and feelings onto paper. This will help you identify your blocks and then you can begin to work through them.
How to Break Through the Blocks
Here’s a simple way to identify and rewrite your own blocks:
- Identify your blocks by noting any limiting beliefs that come up for you. It may help to think about your goals and other things you wish to manifest into your life. Is there anything that comes up and says you can’t have what you desire? For instance, if you start thinking that you aren’t worthy of making that $10k per month you have been wanting to hit in your business… That’s a limiting belief. Write down any of them that pass through your mind.
- Next, ask yourself if that belief is actually true. Spoiler alert: the answer is NO! You are worthy of hitting that $10k per month goal. So, what you’ll want to do is write down all the reasons you are capable of achieving the things you want. As an example, you have skills, knowledge, and expertise that people are willing to pay for, therefore making you good enough to hit your financial goals.
- And the final step is to counteract that limiting belief with a positive affirmation. That means, “I’m not worthy of making $10k per month,” becomes “I am worthy of making $10k per month because I have valuable skills people are happy to pay for.” Create a list of affirmations to fire back at those limiting beliefs and get into the habit of reciting them daily.
Visualize Life After Manifesting What You Want
The next step in using journaling for manifestation is all about acting as if. You want to write about what your life looks like now that you’ve achieved your goal and manifested the very thing you desire. You can write out the play-by-play of an ideal day in this version of your life. That might include what your morning routine is like, what you typically get up to during the day, and even how you end each night.
It’s all about allowing this visualization to play out in your mind as if it was a movie on the big screen. See it happening before you and tap into what it would feel like when all of this became your reality. That’s the secret to embodying that “acting as if” vibe. And it’ll help you become an energetic match for everything you want to manifest.

Want to learn more about using journaling for manifestation? I have en entire course dedicated to exactly this! Journaling in Flow breaks down my step-by-step scripting process, teaches you how to make journaling a daily habit, and provides you with 30 days worth of journal prompts.