Have you ever felt blocked from reaching your goals and you couldn’t explain why?
Perhaps you were putting in the work and doing all the “right” things, but for some reason you just never got to the end result you desired. It’s frustrating, isn’t it?
Well, there’s a good chance you had some limiting beliefs standing in your way. These are beliefs that pop up and tell you that you can’t have something you want and they prevent you from living your dream life. Many of these beliefs were instilled in us during childhood and were carried into our adulthood.
Now that we’re older, we’re able to see the limitations these types of thoughts have on our lives. That’s why it’s so important that we identify our unique blocks and work on releasing limiting beliefs so we can achieve everything we desire.
I talk all about it in this podcast episode.
Listen to the episode above or read on for the recap!
Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs
There are a few exercises you can do to figure out the limiting beliefs that have been creating road blocks on your path to success. Grab a journal because it’s the best way to work through all of these questions.
- What are the general beliefs you have about yourself, both positive and negative? For example, you may believe that you’re a great writer, but a poor speaker. Pick out the negative beliefs, as those are the ones that are not serving you.
- Look at your goals for this year and as you think about each one, notice any thoughts or feelings that come up around the goal. Does anything pop up and tell you that you can’t achieve that goal for one reason or another?
- Do you have any areas of your life where you feel stuck or challenged for some reason? If you’re not hitting your goals or experiencing the growth you want, ask yourself why.
- Are there any beliefs you’ve been holding onto since childhood? And where did those beliefs come from? It’s important that you don’t pick up the negative thought patterns that others have.
Don’t hold back as you work through those questions. Be open and honest with yourself as you dissect these blocks. Otherwise, you’re only doing yourself a disservice.
Releasing Limiting Beliefs
Once you know what your limiting beliefs are, you need to take action to release them. When this happens, it will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. And it’ll give you the confidence to move toward your goals with ease. The techniques I’m about to share are some of my favorites for releasing limiting beliefs.
1. Journal on Your Thoughts & Feelings
Journaling is a great practice to help you work through the limiting beliefs that are plaguing you because it can help you shift your thought patterns.
Write down the limiting beliefs you’ve discovered. Then, write down why each one of those beliefs isn’t true. For example, maybe you believe you aren’t good enough to be a successful coach. But in reality, you have a Life & Success Coaching certification that has given you tons of amazing skills to help your clients experience transformations.
Follow them up with positive affirmations to counteract each limiting belief. So, believing that you can’t be a successful coach becomes, “I am a successful coach and my clients love to work with me.” You can then use these affirmations to recite at the start of each day. If you really want to take things to the next level, you can create a subliminal meditation with those affirmations. That’s what I do!
2. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
EFT (also known as tapping) is a practice where you tap on various meridian points of the body and recite positive statements to clear the blocks you’re dealing with. You can easily tap on your limiting beliefs by reciting the affirmations you’ve written in your journal.
There are tons of great tapping videos on YouTube. Just try searching for ones on the exact blocks you’re dealing with and something is sure to pop up. Once you have more experience with it, you’ll be able to easily create tapping scripts of your own.
You can check out my tapping playlist on YouTube.
3. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Getting certified in NLP was honestly one of the best things I’ve done for myself and my clients. It’s actually a fantastic way of releasing limiting beliefs because you’re essentially reprogramming your mindset.
One of my favorite and most used NLP techniques is Single Belief Change. With this technique, you take a belief that is no longer serving you and make it untrue. Then, you take a belief that you want to have instead and make that one true. It’s powerful and actually really easy to do with clients. I’ve used this for myself when I felt that I wasn’t likable. And I’ve used it with clients when they believed they couldn’t make a lot of money.
4. Work With a Coach
And my final tip for releasing limiting beliefs is to work with a coach who is trained in this kind of work. A great coach can walk you through the process of figuring out what your unique limiting beliefs are, getting to the root of what’s triggering them. Then, your coach will choose the most effective process for releasing them.
This is exactly why I got certified in some powerful modalities to help you shift your way of thinking. Not only do I use these modalities (NLP, EFT, TIME Techniques™️, and Clinical Hypnotherapy) for my clients, but I use them for myself all the time as well.

If you’re interested in releasing limiting beliefs so you can feel confident, abundant, and successful, you may benefit from a 1:1 coaching session with me. Check out my available coaching packages to learn more.