If you’re tired of looking at your bank account in frustration… If you’re jealous that everyone else seems like they’re rolling in the dough, but you’re struggling to up-level your income…
Then, there’s one key thing you need to do in order to turn it all around. You have to shift your money mindset.
You see, you simply cannot expect to start raking in cash if you’re radiating bad vibes about money all day, every day. So, you have to be proactive about changing your thoughts and feelings around money.
How to Shift Your Money Mindset
There are seven steps to shift your money mindset that I want to share with you. The best part is, they’re all simple things you can start doing today to make a difference. And before you know it, you’ll see that bank account balance increasing.
1. Identify the Blocks That Are Standing in Your Way
The first, and most important step, if you want to completely shift your money mindset is to figure out why you haven’t yet manifested the money you want. If you aren’t seeing the cash flow you’d like, then it’s probably because there’s some sort of mental block standing in your way.
This could be stories that you picked up from your family during childhood. For instance, your parents may have told you that people with a lot of money are stuck-up, bossy, or evil. They may have instilled in you that it’s not easy to make money and that the only way to get it is to work hard. Clearing those stories they embedded in you is very important in order to move forward.
You may have past experiences or just general negative beliefs about money that are also holding you back. For example, you might believe that you aren’t worthy or capable of making a lot of money. You may unintentionally stall your financial growth because you worry that people will treat you differently if you had a lot of money. We have to get rid of all of these crappy beliefs.
Ask yourself what thoughts or feelings come up for you around money in general. Did you parents or other family members tell you negative things about money? Do you have any of your own stories that have been keeping you playing small? Figure out what your blocks are and journal on it. Write a letter to forgive yourself or anyone else in your life who has instilled this poor mindset in you. You don’t have to show it to anyone. It’s for your eyes only, so really allow it to be therapeutic.
If you need more help identifying your limiting beliefs around money, check out the 10 journal prompts here and start writing!
2. Create a Vision Board to Give Your Money a Purpose
Money is just energy. And it’s constantly flowing all around us. But if you don’t tell money where to go, how can you expect it to show up in your life? It’s like giving someone directions to your house. If you don’t tell them exactly how to get there, then they’ll probably never arrive. They’ll wind up somewhere else. It’s the same thing with money. Without giving money a sense of direction and purpose, it’ll flow elsewhere. Not to you.
To give your money purpose, why not create a vision board? It’s a fantastic visual representation of what you intend to do with the money you manifest. Plus, you can hang it somewhere you’ll see it every day as a reminder of what you’re working toward. Your vision board can feature things like your dream home or car, a vacation you want to take, and things that money can’t buy like relationships.
3. Start Rewriting Your Money Story
In order to really shift your money mindset, you have to pay close attention to your thoughts. When you think about the money in your bank account, do you get filled with dread that it’s not as much as you’d like? When you pay your bills or spend money at the store, does it leave you feeling worried that you won’t have enough leftover? You need to catch yourself thinking these thoughts and immediately shift them.
If you focus so much on the lack of money in your life, you can’t expect to attract more of it. Whenever you look at your bank account, express gratitude for the money that you have. Anytime you check out at the store, say to yourself, “There’s more where that came from.” These simple shifts in how you think and feel about money are going to make a huge difference for your bank account. Trust me.
4. Use Modalities Like EFT & Hypnosis
If you’re not familiar with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, I highly recommend looking into it. In fact, I’m uploading tapping videos to my YouTube channel that you can get started with. But basically, tapping is a way of aiding with physical pain and emotional distress. You tap on specific parts of the face and body, essentially like a psychological form of acupressure. As you do, it stimulates these energy points on the body. While you tap, you’ll recite positive affirmations to completely shift how you’re feeling in that moment.

Hypnosis is also great because it can help you install new beliefs. You can go from feeling unworthy about earning money to fully knowing and trusting that making a lot of money is your birthright. It’s such a powerful thing, which is why I love to use hypnosis with my coaching clients to really help them embody the next-level version of themselves. And it’s why I even have a downloadable hypnosis to shift your money mindset.
5. Pay Close Attention to the Vibes You Consume From Others
Surrounding yourself with people who have a poor money mindset can really bring you down! Now, I’m not suggesting you immediately start chopping people from your life simply because they have a shitty relationship with money. What I am suggesting is that you don’t allow yourself to pick up their bad money stories. So, whenever they start complaining about money or people who have it, remind yourself that you can’t take on how they feel. And it’ll probably be beneficial to cleanse your energy after that too.
You’ll also want to consider who you’re consuming content from online. For instance, if you follow people on Instagram that are always spewing negative vibes around money, it’s time to hit the unfollow button. You don’t have time to let them bring you down or shift your money mindset.
6. Practice Gratitude for the Money & Things You Already Have
One of the most important elements when you want to shift your money mindset is gratitude. If you aren’t grateful for the money that’s in your bank account right now (even if it’s just $50) and the things you do have in your life, how can you expect to manifest more?
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough,”
Oprah Winfrey
Get into the habit of practicing gratitude, whether you’re saying it out loud or journaling it. Challenge yourself to give thanks for at least 10 things every day. It could be the roof over your head, the shoes on your feet, the food in your fridge, or the chirping birds outside your window. Just make sure you’re not mindlessly listing things. Really feel into being grateful for all of the incredible things you already have.
7. Never Stop Working on Your Money Mindset
This is something you simply cannot ignore. Always pay attention to the thoughts you’re thinking and what you’re feeling when it comes to money. And it helps if you work on your money mindset from time to time. Invest in a course, read a book, or work with a coach. Whatever works best for you. Your relationship with money should be tended to and nourished just like human relationships.

And with that said, I’d love to help you overcome your limiting beliefs about money so you can start generating the income you deserve. You can book a coaching package with me where we’ll use NLP, TIME Techniques™️, and hypnosis to reprogram your mindset.
[…] your money a purpose, which is something the Universe loves. (I talk more about this in my post on shifting your money mindset.)So, if you had $1,000 to spend on anything you wanted, how would you spend it? But wait! […]