When it comes to being a successful business owner, it’s not enough to implement the strategies top entrepreneurs are teaching. Because if you have a crappy mindset around your skills, your ability to achieve success, or your business in general, you really aren’t going to get anywhere.
That’s why it’s important to prioritize your mindset, meaning the way you think and feel about your business if you truly want to thrive. In order for you to hit your goals and live your dream life, you need to embody the version of yourself who is a kick ass, boss babe right now. Even if your current reality doesn’t exactly look like that.
To help you up-level and step into those vibes right now, I recommend having a CEO mindset day. It’s an entire day focused around shifting into the person you’re becoming in order to effortlessly manifest success into your life.
Before we dive in, this premise originally came to me from my friend Krista. She’s the founder of Soul & Sage. I learned all about having a monthly CEO day from her. But I’m putting a mindset spin on it! (P.S. Krista creates amazing Human Design Blueprints [affiliate link] that are a great investment if you’re looking to learn more about your Human Design in conjunction with your business.)
So, What’s a CEO Mindset Day?
Well, it’s your opportunity to embody the next level version of yourself who has already achieved everything she wants and has created her dream life. You’re essentially going about your day as if you have manifested all the success you crave. Embodying the person who already has everything you desire allows you to vibrate on the same energetic frequency as those things.
And when you are vibrating on the same energetic frequency and acting as if you already have the things you want, you open yourself up to receiving it. You’re telling the Universe that you’re ready to welcome it into your life. From there, you can easily attract it and make it your new reality.
What Does a CEO Mindset Day Entail?
Creating a CEO mindset day of your very own is where the fun truly begins. Because guess what? You’re in full control here! You get to decide what this day looks like by doing things that are going to leave you feeling good. Here are some examples of things I like to do during this time:
- Follow your ideal morning routine. I firmly believe that having a morning routine is important every day of the week, not just on your CEO mindset day. The reason being is that it’s perfect for setting the tone of the day. If you don’t have a morning routine, create one now. When you are living your dream life, what would your mornings look like?
- Plan out your day accordingly. So, what does a typical day in your dream life look like? What hours would you work? And what kind of work would you be doing? Would you take a mid-day lunch break to grab food with a friend? Fill your day with all the things the successful boss babe version of you would be doing.
- But what if you envision yourself working with clients when you’re thriving in business… And you don’t actually have any right now? Well, it might sound silly… However, I want you to block off an hour or two for those client calls in your schedule anyway. And instead of working with someone, you’ll use this time to research your ideal client. You’ll imagine the types of things she’s struggling with, as well as how you can help her. This will help you feel more prepared and confident when it comes to serving your future clients.
- Incorporate mindset-shifting techniques. This is also a great time to prioritize things that can really shift your mindset. That includes journaling, listening to a hypnosis, or even doing a little tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique).
- Prioritize your education as well. Odds are, the version of you who is wildly successful makes time to nourish her mind with new information. You can do this by listening to a podcast, reading a blog or book, or watching a YouTube video. Or you can even revisit a course that you’ve purchased in the past. If there’s anything in particular you want to learn about, take the time to study it!
The key element to making this CEO mindset day successful is making sure you’re living and thinking as she would so you’re fully embodying this up-leveled version of you. If any limiting beliefs come up for you during this time, immediately replace those thoughts with what you want to think instead.
Okay, How Often Should I Do This?
That’s really up to you. And I think it’s kind of dependent on your current mindset. If you’re new to business and you’re struggling with your confidence, it would be worthwhile to have a CEO mindset day every week or every other week. Whatever works for your schedule.
But for someone who has maybe mastered her CEO mindset a bit more, she might not feel the need to do this so frequently. She could potentially choose just one day each month to do the deeper mindset work that’s needed to truly up-level. Although, there’s no shame in doing this every week. Even if you are more experienced because it’s something we can all truly benefit from.

Need some guidance as you shift into your next level? We can use incredible, mindset-shifting modalities like Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Technique, TIME Techniques™, and Clinical Hypnotherapy to kick those limiting beliefs to the curb. Check out my available coaching packages to see how we can work together.
[…] Visualize yourself working with the dreamiest of dreamy clients. See this person getting in touch with you, paying for your service, and getting everything scheduled. Imagine the Zoom call you’ll have together and how exciting it’ll be to chat with this person for the first time. Before you know it, you’ll be watching it all play out in real life. This is the perfect thing to do during a CEO Mindset Day. […]